Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sunsets in Seville [Travel Tuesday]

Last Spring, I studied abroad in Seville, Spain. I love Seville and miss it almost everyday. It was the liveliest, most beautiful city I have ever been to. Aside from the Cathedral, the Alcazar, barrio Santa Cruz, one of the most stunning things about the city were the sunsets over the Guadalquivir river. On my way home from central Seville, I would find myself standing in awe on the bridge as the sky consumed me in its delicate clouds and charming colors. I was so humbled by such a magnificent creation.  


  1. Glad I found you on the linkup! Seville looks like a gorgeous city! So awesome you got a live there!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. I studied abroad there too, then lived as an au pair! I never would have left if I spoke Spanish better haha!

  3. How beautiful. I love watching sunsets all over the world for sure! Thank you for linking up with me for Travel Tuesdays, hope to see you linking up tomorrow!

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose an expat lifestyle blog
